Buchalter Welcomes New Tax Attorney in Its San Diego Office

Buchalter is pleased to announce and welcome new member of its Tax, Benefits, & Estate Planning Practice Group, Parisa Weiss, to its San Diego office. Ms. Weiss focuses her practice on estate planning, trust, and probate administration and litigation. She also advises businesses and individuals with diverse financial, tax, asset protection and benefit retention requirements, and prepares related documents including revocable trusts, special needs trusts, irrevocable trusts, wills, powers of attorney, and advance healthcare directives.

“We are delighted to welcome Parisa to Buchalter,” said Adam Bass, Buchalter President and Chief Executive Officer. “She is a very skilled attorney and an important asset to our impressive tax and estate planning practice.”

Named a “2019 Woman of Influence,” by the San Diego Metro Magazine, Ms. Weiss was also recognized as a “Top Business Leaders Under 40” in 2018. She was also named to “Best of the Bar” 2015-2016, by the San Diego Business Journal, and honored by the San Diego Daily Transcript as a “2014 Top Attorney.”

“Buchalter’s strong tax and estate planning practice and full service capabilities provide an impressive opportunity to enrich and grow my practice and I am thrilled to join the Firm,” said Weiss.”

Ms. Weiss also advises fiduciaries and individual trustees regarding the proper administration of trusts and probates as well as beneficiaries of trusts and estates with respect to their rights. When necessary, Ms. Weiss also represents clients in estate, trust and conservatorship litigation.

“Parisa is a welcome addition to our growing San Diego office and we are so pleased to be working with her,” said Tracy Warren, Managing Shareholder of the San Diego office.

Source:  www.buchalter.com

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