White & Case Advises Autostrade per l’Italia on Establishment of €7 Billion EMTN Programme

Global law firm White & Case LLP has advised Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A., as issuer, on the Italian and English law aspects of the establishment of its €7 billion Euro Medium Term Note Programme.

The Base Prospectus has been approved by the Central Bank of Ireland. Autostrade per L’Italia is a European leader among concessionaire for the construction and management of toll highways, with its 5,000km network located in Italy, Brazil, Chile, India and Poland.

The White & Case team included partners Michael Immordino (Milan & London), Michael Doran (London) and Ferigo Foscari (Milan), local partner Paul Alexander (Milan), associates Valentino Belgioioso and Pietro Magnaghi and lawyer Luca Bella.

Source:  www.whitecase.com