What to Do With All of This Free Time…

In these difficult economic times there are a number of reasons why lawyers are out-of-work:  lay-offs, deferments, firms are just not hiring like once before.  Whatever the reason, what do all of these people share in common?  They are either actively in search of or currently finding ways to fill their time, their resumes, and their wallets.  The luckiest of the bunch are those deferred for a year and offered an opportunity to work for a non-profit as they are still able to work in their field.  There are also programs such as the Boston Bar Association’s Lawyers in Transition Task Force which helps the unemployed find paid and volunteer work.  More and more lawyers are taking positions at smaller firms as competition becomes fiercer.  Some out-of-work lawyers are turning in their ties and suits for service industry uniforms.


Source:  www.boston.bizjournals.com